What should I wear to a session?

For women, loose fitting shorts, tank top or sport bra are acceptable. Men will need a pair of loose fitting shorts. Freedom of movement is necessary for this type of bodywork. 

When will I get better?

This is the most common and yet difficult question to answer. Each person's history, lifestyle, and goals are unique. Your condition did not happen overnight. It will take time to heal. Many people can experience improvement after the first session, and often feel a big decrease in overall pain within the first 5-6 sessions. 

I’m an athlete, How can Myofascial Release benefit?

Myofascial Release has been shown to increase joint range of motion and improve performance in athletes. MFR influences the parasympathetic nervous system which can optimize metabolism, aid in hydration, and promote deep rest and recovery. Recreational to Professional athletes can find benefit in MFR.

I'm seeing a chiropractor or physical therapist for my condition. Will myofascial release treatments help or slow my progress?

MFR enhances the care you receive from your chiropractor and/or your physical therapist. MFR treats your entire body. This includes the tight tissues that are causing/exacerbating the problems the other healthcare professionals are also working on.

How will I feel after MFR?

Following your session, you will typically feel very relaxed and may have increased energy, heightened awareness, and greater productivity lasting several days. Since toxins are released from your soft tissues you will want to drink plenty of water for 24-48 hours following your session.

What happens in a Healing Crisis?

MFR influences and transforms structure at the cellular level, changing patterns of movement and processing information held in the body. Sometimes the body will go into “chaos” before the change occurs. The body may reproduce old symptoms of the injury, a feeling of malaise, or even heightened emotions are typical in a Healing Crisis following a treatment session. It is normal for this to occur and encouraged to allow it to be processed.

What sets MFR apart from a traditional massage?

Beyond the technique itself, the real difference is the results MFR produces. Although gentle in nature, myofascial release works on a deep level within the body. Fascia, the 3D connective tissue enveloping every internal part of our body, consists of 80% collagen and 20% elastin. Elastin is pliable and can be manipulated more easily with traditional massage, but it tends to spring back, leading to temporary relief (which is why you feel good for a while after a massage) but the original condition usually returns. Collagen, however, which makes up the majority of fascia, is tougher and requires sustained stretching over time to release its restrictive properties.

​Scientific research has shown that it takes a minimum of 3 minutes for the collagenous aspect of fascia to begin releasing its restrictions. Dr. Paul Stanley's studies have shown that after 3 minutes, three different types of interleukin (important communication proteins for healing) increase. The effect is double after 5 minutes. This explains why myofascial release not only proves to be effective but also provides long-lasting results.

Have a question that isn’t addressed here? A free 10 minute phone consultation is available.